KIPP Memphis

Frequently Asked Questions

Have some important questions about our KIPP Memphis schools? Scroll down to view our most frequently asked questions regarding registration, transportation, and more. Looking for an answer that isn’t here? If your question is school-specific, we encourage you to reach out to the KIPP Memphis school you need assistance from. For general questions, you can email us at [email protected].


What does tuition cost for KIPP Memphis Schools?

Tuition is free at all KIPP Memphis schools. To find out more about the application process, visit our Apply page here on our site. There, you will get general information about enrollment as well as enrollment resources. 

Does KIPP provide transportation to and from school?

KIPP Memphis consists of four schools, most of which have bus transportation depending on the area. Find the right campus for your child and contact the school to find more specific information.

Where are your schools located?

KIPP Memphis has three schools in total across two campuses. All schools are in North Memphis. You can find out each school's exact location on their specific page in the menu.

What is your uniform policy?

Each KIPP Memphis school provides uniform shirt designs for all students. Each school has different uniform requirements, all of which can be found under the "School" tab once you select the specific school site.

What is KIPP Forward?

KIPP Forward, formerly known as "KIPP Through College", helps students through the ACT, college match, application, and financial aid process in order to ensure that our students find the right college for them. After our students matriculate to college, KIPP Forward provides persistence services such as counseling, micro-grants, and further support to ensure that our students graduate.

What is a charter school?

A charter school is an independently run, tuition-free public school that is allowed greater flexibility in operations in return for greater accountability for advancing student achievement. Charter schools were created to help improve our education system and offer parents another public school option to better meet their student’s educational needs. Here are a few things that differentiate KIPP schools: College-preparatory focus plus programming to support students and families through college graduation Emphasis on character development as well as high-quality academics Longer school day and year Commitment to a strong partnership with parents and families Safe, supportive learning environment High-quality teacher development and collaboration For more information about charter schools, read “Public Charter Schools 101” on the Tennessee Charter School Center’s site.

Who can apply for admission?

KIPP Memphis is open to all students who are residents of Shelby County. For the 2022-23 school year, we are accepting applications for students in grades Pre-Kindergarten-12. There is no entry requirement to apply for or attend a KIPP Memphis school.

How will students be selected for admission?

Students are admitted on a first-come, first-serve basis. If more students apply than there are spots available, a random lottery will be held.

Do I need to re-apply if I was on a waitlist previously?

Yes! We refresh our waitlist annually to meet legal requirements. If you apply online the majority of your information will already be in our system. You will just need to update any information that may have changed and resubmit.

At what age can my child start kindergarten?

They must be 5 years old by August 15th of the school year they start.

How do I schedule a tour?

Call the office of the school or send an email to [email protected]

Do you offer free/reduced meals for students?

All KIPP students receive free breakfast, lunch, and snack everyday.

Do you provide special education services?

Yes! We are proud to serve students with special needs through our talented, Student Support Team. We provide learning opportunities for students of all abilities, included special needs, gifted, and English Language Learners. For questions about specific services for students, please contact our schools directly.