2025-2026 Applications
KIPP Memphis schools are joyful, academically excellent public schools. They’re free and open to all children K–12. Get your child ready for college by finding out more about our three North Memphis Schools. Enrollment applications for the 2025-26 school year are available.
Click here to register a returning student.
Click here to register a new student.
2025-2026 Aplicaciones
Las escuelas KIPP Memphis son escuelas públicas alegres y académicamente excelentes. Son gratuitos y están abiertos a todos los niños de Kínder a 12 años. Prepare a su hijo para la universidad averiguando más sobre nuestras quatro escuelas del norte de Memphis. Las solicitudes de inscripción para el año escolar 2025-2026 están disponibles.
Haga clic aquí para registrar a un estudiante que regresa.
Haga clic aquí para registrar un nuevo estudiante.
Not Ready to Enroll? ¿No estás listo para inscribirte?
Let us know how we can help by filling out the form below!
¡Háganos saber cómo podemos ayudar completando el siguiente formulario!
our elementary school
Currently, KIPP Memphis is home to one elementary school, located in the North Memphis Area. KIPP Memphis Collegiate Elementary school serve grades K - 5 and shares the Henry campus with KIPP Memphis Collegiate Middle . To learn more about our core principles, click HERE.
Our Middle school
Currently, KIPP Memphis is home to one middle school, KIPP Memphis Collegiate Middle, located in the North Memphis Area. KMCM serves grades 6 - 8. To learn more about our core principles, click HERE.
our high school
Currently, KIPP Memphis is home to one high school, KIPP Memphis Collegiate High, located in the North Memphis Area. KIPP Memphis Collegiate High serves grades 9 - 12. To learn more about our core principles, click HERE.
Need help Enrolling?
We’ve got you covered!
We know enrolling via online isn’t always as easy as it seems. That’s why we’ve created manuals to help guide you through the enrollment process. Click one of the buttons below to access one of our enrollment manuals. You can also click below to view an enrollment video from our KIPP Memphis Regional Office.